Cloud Services

A solid Cloud-Based service will enable you to access and streamline your business data via a variety of platforms, any time, any place.

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Why we’re first choice for Cloud Services

Software-as-a- Service (SaaS)
Hosting of subscription-based applications, such as Microsoft Azure, enabling you to access them over the internet on demand, anytime, anywhere. Responsible for the security, performance, and maintenance of all application on our servers.
Infrastructure-as-a- Service (IaaS)
Develop a new online infrastructure, including servers and storage, networking firewalls/security and more. IaaS is easily scalable to meet business demands and avoids the complexities of managing your own physical servers.
Disaster Recovery- as-a-Service (DRaaS)
Utilise cloud resources to protect all your data and applications from the disruption caused by an IT disaster. For example, total system back-up and a disaster recovery plan (business continuity plan) in case the worst does happen.
Wireless Networking
Experience a user-friendly way of managing your entire network through the Cloud. Eliminate the need for hardware on-premise and experience a scalable way of working.
Hybrid IT
Combines the use of two or more cloud environments, enabling you to share data and applications across multiple functions within the same organisation.
Office 365
Silverbug will deploy office 365, enabling you to access applications anytime, anywhere. Access applications like SharePoint, Teams, OneDrive, Office and more straight from the Cloud.
Speak to an Expert Today
Now we've introduced you to cloud-based services, speak to an expert! Contact us today to find out how we can streamline your business.


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