You don’t want to wake up to find your whole life has disappeared.

Arranging disaster recovery doesn’t have to be a disaster.

The Problem You're Facing

You need emergency recovery of your data or an individual file. Or perhaps you’re planning for the worst and want disaster recovery on hand, just in case. You’ll be an anxious mess until you get those files back or a trembling worry wort until you know the safeguards are in place. Either way, you need that disaster recovery straight away.

Contact Us


A business IT solutions specialist can get you data recovery protection. They can implement it straight away so you’re protected for tomorrow’s problems. And if you’ve already experienced a problem, then they might be able to get down and help you retrieve that information - if they’re really good, that is.

DTE is THAT good.



How DTE Sort It

DTE can retrieve all kinds of lost data. They’re adept at wading through the mud to get the exact thing you need to find. And they can set up disaster recovery to ensure that you’re not stuck again. So why not enlist their expert skills to recover quickly and effectively today and tomorrow? A cloud based system makes disaster recovery smooth, whatever the scenario. Whether you’re setting up in new premises after a physical disaster or need to restore backup files after a data breach, everything is ready and waiting to go. Cloud based disaster recovery works by holding the programs and files you need to get back up and running on the digital cloud. Setup and restoration, following disaster, is remote and quick. Speak to the team to discuss different levels of cloud based options, should disaster strike. Whether you want a full, virtual machine level recovery plan or a smaller, data-only backup service, one of DTE’s experts will take this headache away and give you peace of mind.

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